Selasa, 23 Oktober 2012

4 animals as symbols of human character:

1). Turtle >>> when someone's got a problem, he does not want to get involved, sometimes he threw the problem to someone else, he did not dare to face the problem


2). Shark  >>> someone usually headstrong character, they need to follow what I said, that will not eat me, I kill me even hostile.


3).Wolf  >>> characters can usually take a look at who we might like to be a balance. If you are good I would also be nice to you, but if you are nasty to me, I could have two, three times more evil than you


4).Owl >>> character is sometimes difficult due to usually be on the value of a good nature.

I do not care about you either with me or you're against me, you're a rich state or miskin.sedang happy or difficult, you of what race I do not care, I still invite you with kindness.

1 komentar:

Cah Mbeling mengatakan...

...Its nice...
but what about fish..